👋 介紹 Introduction
Welcome to Reemo Blog! Just a intergration page for my personal notes / markings for certain technology.
歡迎來到 Reemo Blog!這只是我個人筆記/標記某些技術的整合頁面。
💻 關於我 About me
A software developer based in Hong Kong with a diverse background in education and AI research. My experience ranges from Teaching Assistant 📚 positions in coding bootcamp to serving as a University Senior Research Assistant 🔬, specializing in web technology, server CI/CD, cloud architecture, and deep learning for application-level solutions.
Additionally, I have contributed to various non-profit organizations, schools, and limited companies by tutoring, editing course materials, and designing websites.
Beyond this, I develop plugins, mobile apps, extensions, and packages aimed at aiding design and general-purpose use.
我是一名香港軟件開發人員,擁有教育和人工智能研究等多元化背景。 我的經驗涵蓋從編碼營教學助理 📚到擔任大學高級研究助理 🔬,專攻網絡技術、伺服器 CI/CD、雲架構以及深度學習應用級解決方案。
🌟 項目 Highlighted Projects
- Patterns generator
💻 Figma plugins to create patterns with a single click.
- DB graphers (db-erd-gen)
🗃️ Free DrawSQL like website.
- Tools Box
🖼️ Collections of web base tools, no server uploading, privacy, efficiency, free, open sources.
🔗 連結 Links
https://github.com/r48n34 -
Google Play
🔗 其他連結 Other Links
Up to date resources and website that may enhance your working efficiency and save your time!
https://reeodev.github.io/ -
Big Null
Code for coke - Education group.