📝 Notes🔒 SecurityBusterHashJohn

[Hash] john

A tools for crack through brute force hashed passwords

Basic usage

Create a file call hash in current dir.
Then input the hash that we want to burse.


Notices: You may want to use hash-identifier to know the hash format first.

Last, using following code to bash.

  • With raw-md5 / md5
john --wordlist=/usr/share/john/password.lst --format=raw-md5 ./hash
  • With raw-sha1
john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --format=raw-sha1 ./hash
  • With whirlpool
john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --format=whirlpool ./hash


  • With bcrypt
john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --format=bcrypt ./hash

Avaiable format

john --list=formats | grep -i 'md5'
descrypt, bsdicrypt, md5crypt, md5crypt-long, bcrypt, scrypt, LM, AFS, 
aix-ssha512, andOTP, ansible, argon2, as400-des, as400-ssha1, asa-md5, 
dahua, dashlane, diskcryptor, Django, django-scrypt, dmd5, dmg, dominosec, 
mschapv2-naive, krb5pa-md5, mssql, mssql05, mssql12, multibit, mysqlna, 
mysql-sha1, mysql, net-ah, nethalflm, netlm, netlmv2, net-md5, netntlmv2, 
netntlm, netntlm-naive, net-sha1, nk, notes, md5ns, nsec3, NT, o10glogon, 
PHPS2, pix-md5, PKZIP, po, postgres, PST, PuTTY, pwsafe, qnx, RACF, 
Raw-Keccak, Raw-Keccak-256, Raw-MD4, Raw-MD5, Raw-MD5u, Raw-SHA1, 
Stribog-256, Stribog-512, STRIP, SunMD5, SybaseASE, Sybase-PROP, tacacs-plus, 
tcp-md5, telegram, tezos, Tiger, tc_aes_xts, tc_ripemd160, tc_ripemd160boot, 
ZipMonster, plaintext, has-160, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA224

unshadow and decode for linux passowrd crack

  • FILE 1 - local_passwd
    Contains the /etc/passwd line for the root user:

  • FILE 2 - local_shadow
    Contains the /etc/shadow line for the root user:

unshadow local_passwd local_shadow > unshadowed.txt

Then feed the file to john for crack the password.

john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --format=sha512crypt unshadowed.txt

single crack mode

If you’re cracking hashes in single crack mode, you need to change the file format that you’re feeding john for it to understand what data to create a wordlist from.


john --single --format=raw-sha256 hash7.txt

Crack zip / rar / ssh with pw

  • zip
zip2john zipfile.zip > zip_hash.txt
  • rar
rar2john rarfile.rar > rar_hash.txt
  • ssh
ssh2john id_rsa > id_rsa_hash.txt

Then using join to crack. Filename change to the hash file

john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt zip_hash.txt