πŸ“š TutorialπŸ•ΈοΈ Express JsBasic - Router


The Router functions may help developers to split up different routing point, which brings the following advantages.

  1. πŸ“‘ Better API management
  2. πŸ“¦ Clear coding structure
  3. πŸ“ Easy to testing

Folder Structure

Let’s assume you have a folder like this

β”œβ”€β”€ package.json
β”œβ”€β”€ tsconfig.json
β”œβ”€β”€ appleRouter.ts
β”œβ”€β”€ orangeRouter.ts
└── server.ts

Router Usage

1. Create Router.ts

Let’s create a appleRouter.ts and type the following stuff.

import express from "express";
import { Request, Response } from "express";
// highlight-start
export const appleRouter = express.Router();
// highlight-end
// http://localhost:8080/apple/hi
appleRouter.get('/hi', async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => {
  try {
    return res.status(200).json({ status: true, data: "Hi this is apple" })
    return res.status(200).json({ status: false })

Also, create a orangeRouter.ts and type the following stuff.

import express from "express";
import { Request, Response } from "express";
// highlight-start
export const orangeRouter = express.Router();
// highlight-end
// http://localhost:8080/orange/yo
orangeRouter.get('/yo', async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => {
  try {
    return res.status(200).json({ status: true, data: "Yo this is orange" })
    return res.status(200).json({ status: false })

2. Add app.use()

Back to server.ts, import the folloing router and use app.use to import the api.

import express from "express";
import { Request, Response } from "express";
// highlight-start
import { appleRouter } from "appleRouter"
import { orangeRouter } from "orangeRouter"
// highlight-end
const app = express();
app.get("/api", function (req: Request, res: Response) {
    res.end("Hello mom!");
// highlight-start
app.use("/apple", appleRouter);
app.use("/orange", orangeRouter);
// highlight-end
const PORT = 8080;
app.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`Listening at http://localhost:${PORT}/`);

3. Testing

After all, you may test with your web.

  status: true,
  data: "Hi this is apple"
  status: true,
  data: "Yo this is orange"