Rust for typescript developers
Basic start up from zero
cargo new hello_cargo
cargo run
# For build
cargo build
Number, Boolean and Tuple
Number, boolean and tuple
fn main() {
let num:i32 = 5; // Default is const
let mut num_two:i32 = 5; // let variables in typescript
let y: f32 = 3.0; // Floating number
let f: bool = false; // Boolean
let tup: (i32, f64, u8) = (500, 6.4, 1); // Tuple
let (x, k, z) = tup; // Spread a Tuple
// Both printing method for variables
println!("The value of y is: {}", k);
println!("The value of y is: {k}");
Char, String and &str
fn main() {
let z: char = 'z'; // Char
let mut my_string: String = String::new(); // String
let greeting: &str = "Hello there."; // &str
my_string.push('W'); // String add a Char
my_string.push_str("mate"); // String add a string
my_string += "Hay"; // String add a string
// Care: &str (string slices) is a fixed const string,
// while String is similar to a char[] in typescript
let s: String = greeting.to_string(); // `.to_string()` Convert &str to String
String add String
By using &format!("{}", String)
or String.as_str()
String addition
fn main() {
let mut str_A: String = "A".to_string();
let str_B: String = "B".to_string();
str_A.push_str(&format!("{}", str_B)); // Method A `&format!("{}", str_B)`
str_A.push_str(str_B.as_str()); // Method B `str_B.as_str()`
println!("{str_A}") // AB
&str add &str
By using format!("{}{}", a, b)
or Array join [a, b].join("")
String addition
fn main() {
let a = "Hello";
let b = "world";
let result_A = format!("{}{}", a, b); // Method A
let result_B = [a, b].join(""); // Method B
print!("{}, {}", result_A, result_B);
String add &str
By using +
String addition
fn main() {
let str_A: String = "hello ".to_owned();
let str_B: &str = "world";
let new_str_A: String = str_A + str_B;
println!("{}", new_str_A);