📚 Tutorial🐍 Python0.0 Python Menu

Python Menu

Python is a high-level programming language that is versatile and easy to learn. It is known for its simple and readable syntax, which makes it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced programmers alike. Python is used in web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, automation, and much more. It has a large standard library that provides built-in functions and modules to help you write code efficiently. Python also has a thriving community and extensive documentation, making it easy to find help and resources online.

This section is for student who have basic programming experiences (From School, University, Learning Group…) with C++ / Java / Go / Ruby or other related languages, and the first time to get into python

- 1. Quick review to syntax

  • Using Colab ipynb to go through syntax
  • Print()
  • # and ''' command
  • Define variables & variables data type
  • Variables casting
  • Operators +, -, *, / etc
  • Indentations tab and spcae in python
  • if, elif, else conditions with and, not, or
  • Array list
  • len() and range() and sort()
  • for and while
  • Dictionaries
  • Sets
  • Function def()
  • Lambda Function (Low proirity)
  • Tuples (Low proirity)
  • Classes (Depends on student, may skip it)
  • try except for python
  • User Input input() for python (Bonus)
  • Annotations for python (Bonus)

- 2. Bonus for python syntax

  • One line if x = 10 if b > c else 20
  • One line for loop [x for x in range(0, 100)]
  • One line for loop if [x for x in range(0, 100) if x % 2 == 0]
  • Why using if __name__ == '__main__'
  • import and export for python

- 3. Using common packages (Internal packages)

  • Understand the conecpts of packages (What, why and how)
  • Understand Math packages
  • Understand FS (File System) packages
  • Understand datetime

- 4. Using external / community packages

  • Understand the conecpts of external packages
  • How to install with pip
  • Understand numpy packages
  • Understand pandas packages
  • Understand pyautogui packages
  • Understand plotly packages
  • Understand Flet / gradio packages (Bonus)

- 5. Playing python in windows OS

  • Installing pytohn in Windows OS
  • Introduce the venv and mini-conda
  • Create a python environment with venv / mini-conda
  • Active, pip and using multi environment
  • Terminal control with ls, cd and more

- 6. Function oriented design

  • Understand what is function oriendted design
  • Functionalize codes in python

- 7. Advance packages (Bonus)

  • Understand FastAPI to fimilar with RestFul API
  • Request requests.get() in python